Appointments - Clubs
Appointments Process
To assist clubs with the transition to the new appointments system we have compiled a Simple Document that outlines the steps to go through for each time you are appointed a referee.
Facilities and Referee Operations Officer
Dean Carney
01582 567724 / 07432 700589
Full Time
Full Time is used by all Leagues within the Central Appointment System and will be the primary source for all referee appointments made in Bedfordshire.
As part of this, all team administrators will receive an automated email from Full Time whenever a referee is appointed to a fixture or a change is made. Any team administrations not receiving automated emails should contact their league directly.
To assist clubs with the transition to the new appointments system we have compiled a Simple Document that outlines the steps to go through for each time you are appointed a referee.
Facilities and Referee Operations Officer
Dean Carney
01582 567724 / 07432 700589
Full Time
Full Time is used by all Leagues within the Central Appointment System and will be the primary source for all referee appointments made in Bedfordshire.
As part of this, all team administrators will receive an automated email from Full Time whenever a referee is appointed to a fixture or a change is made. Any team administrations not receiving automated emails should contact their league directly.
Do we still need to confirm the fixture with our referee?
Yes, you will still need to make contact with any referee appointed to your games as per League rules.
How do we know if a referee has been appointed?
If a referee has been appointed to your game, your nominated Team Administrator/s will receive an automated email from Full Time; this will include the name of the referee. Up to date referee appointments for all fixtures can be seen on your League’s Full Time webpage under the “Refs” tab.
How do we make contact with our appointed referee?
Many Leagues have made use of Full Time to include relevant referee contact details within the automated appointment email. In addition these some Leagues may send an additional midweek prompt, also containing referee contact details, to act as a reminder to confirm the game with the appointed match official.
Other Leagues will utilise a list of contact details on their website or sent via email. Leagues will distribute referee contact details in slightly different ways and you should seek clarification directly from them should you need it.
How often will we receive referee appointments?
Whilst the Central Appointments System is in its early stages many appointments will be released on a weekly basis to equate for the amount of late changes that will need to be made to these and to compensate for many referees providing closed dates later than they would ordinarily. As we move forward the aim will be to continually have four weeks of appointments completed and released; with the possible exception of winter months and the frequent fixture changes that go with these.
Get In Touch
Dean Carney
Facilities and Referee Operations Officer
01582 567724 / 07432 700589