Calling All Luton Clubs

Have your say on the Playing Pitch Strategy and Indoor Built Facility Strategy Consultation

Luton Borough Council launched a public consultation on the Playing Pitch Strategy and Indoor Built Facility Strategy recently and they would like as much feedback as possible from Luton based sports clubs.

Both strategies sit beneath the council’s Sport and Physical Activity Strategic Delivery Plan which has recently been refreshed and covers three priority areas; create active people, create active environments and create active societies. 

Both the Playing Pitch Strategy (PPS) and Indoor Built Facility Strategy (IBFS) are enabling documents and provide the council with a valuable framework for the maintenance and improvement of existing facilities, and highlights the need for any additional facilities. The strategies will support the council and stakeholders to plan and prioritise for the future, ensuring that sport and physical activity facilities and amenities are located in the right places to support the local community to take part regularly.

The two strategies have separate aims, objectives and recommendations. The PPS aims to protect playing pitch and outdoor sports facilities for long-term benefits, promote a sustainable approach to the provision of new pitches and ensure that there are enough facilities in the right places to meet current future demands.

The IBFS has two strands: to provide more health and sports facilities and to enhance existing facilities.

Luton Borough Council is committed to ensuring that all residents, regardless of their ethnic or social backgrounds have free and easy access to pitches, sports centres, and other leisure facilities in the town, to enable them to live healthy and active lifestyles. Luton Borough Council are inviting residents, clubs and community groups to give their views on both strategies and the identified recommendations. 

For more information and to complete the surveys please use the links below;

For more information on the strategies and consultation - CLICK HERE  

Playing Pitch Strategy online survey- CLICK HERE  

Indoor Built Facility Strategy online survey- CLICK HERE