Get into Refereeing workshop delivered to Girls' Football Activators

Girls' Football Activators from the Leighton & Linslade School Sport Partnership were given an insight into Refereeing

Earlier this month, the Bedfordshire FA went to Vandyke Upper School to deliver a get into refereeing workshop for girls’ football activators in the Leighton Buzzard and Linslade area. There were over 50 attendees from 5 different schools from the Leighton/Linslade School Sports Partnership.

The girls took part in the following sessions:

What are the key skills are needed to be a good referee?
Decision making based on clips
Understanding of the referee pathway
Active decision making
Refereeing practice 

Leighton/Linslade School Sports Partnership is a registered Barclays Girls Football Schools Partnership supporting the ambition to provide girls with equal access to play and be involved in football. The Bedfordshire FA will look to deliver similar workshops in the future to other school sport partnership areas to encourage and support more girls into refereeing.

If you are looking to to become a referee or would like more information in regard to the FA Referees Course please email Isaac Blakey (Referee Development Officer) via: Isaac.Blakey@BedfordshireFA.com