Walking Football Festival

There were over 160 people that took part in the second Walking Football Festival of the year

On Sunday 19th October 2023, the Bedfordshire FA hosted the 2nd Walking Football Festival of 2023. The event was a fantastic opportunity for the teams and groups of walking football in Bedfordshire to come together to play, enjoy the event in a safe, fun and inclusive environment. 

The event, had 8 different Walking Football groups represented from across Bedfordshire. There were a total of 16 teams that registered for the event, around 160 people took part in this magnificent day. The festival was a wonderful opportunity for people who are new to the Walking football scene, to get to know it better, enjoy the benefits of the game, but also experience closely how to play the game.

Thank you to the officials that supported the festival throughout the day. It was great to see referees form the recent Walking Football Referees workshop now qualified and officiating fixtures.

The groups in Bedfordshire have already agreed to organise 2 new walking football events in April and October 2024, we hope to make the next events as successful as the previous ones.

If you are looking to get involved in Walking Football or a future festival locally please contact Jose Gomes via Jose.Gomes@BedfordshireFA.com