Sponsorship in the world of Covid
Team Beds & Luton have recently partnered with www.snapsponsorship.com who are helping them with some great tools to manage existing sponsors and secure new ones, plus offering banks of knowledge.
SNAP recently carried out a survey showing that three quarters of grassroots sports clubs in the UK are worried about their future due to COVID-19's effects on the economy, sport and supporters.
The feedback from clubs has been very supportive of their work 'We wanted a firm footing and they have been a godsend. They truly care about sport and support clubs, organisations and individuals, helping them find sustainable sponsorship from which they take no commission - you keep 100% of sponsorship secured!'
To help your club bounce back after the pandemic, Team Beds & Luton are running a webinar with SNAP on the 9th of March to give you some sponsorship best practices, easy wins and of course educate you about SNAP and their platform. You can sign up HERE.
So, if you think you'd benefit from their help, you can use the below promo code (your welcome!) to get full access to their sponsorship portal with all its tools and knowledge base.
Use [TBLSPONSORSHIP] when signing up here:https://bit.ly/2T6tGxB
One grassroots club in Scotland registered with SNAP and secured 7 sponsors in 5 days during lockdown making them financially stable for the next few years, so it definitely works!
The Small Print!
- Using SNAP's portal to build and manage your sponsorship costs just £8.25 per month (using our promo code)
- You can cancel any time you like
- 0% commission. You keep 100% of your sponsorship income.
- Sign up and make sure to build a strong profile at the outset