
Free Online Respect Course for Coaches

The FREE 20-minute e-learning module will support the objectives of The FA Respect Campaign

Hundreds of thousands of children play football in England each week. As coaches we have a responsibility to ensure young people enjoy the game and to help them develop as people as well as players.

The FA’s Respect campaign highlights the positive impact that respectful behaviours have on players; behaviours such as demonstrating fairness, integrity, inclusion and good leadership skills.

Creating the right environment on and off the pitch is vital to ensuring we help players have the best experiences. To help coaches do this The FA have created a new free online course which takes around 20 minutes to complete.

The course content focuses on five key principles:

• Create the right environment
• Lead by positive example
• Understand your players
• Build a positive team around you
• Instill an ‘anything is possible’ attitude

The course will enable you to better understand what it means to be a respectful coach and build an awareness of how respectful you currently are.

It will also provide you with a toolkit of actions you can apply on and off the pitch to demonstrate and promote respect amongst players, parents, coaches, referees and opposing team members.

Complete the module by following the link below and then sign the declaration to show your support for Respect and commitment to putting the player first.

Respect for coaches e-learning module