Grounds Keepers Gain Level 1 Qualification

British Sugar Topsoil supported grounds keepers by delivering a face-to-face GMA Level 1 for Winter Pitches Qualification

British Sugar Topsoil kindly supported grounds keepers in the region by arranging, facilitating and funding a face-to-face Grounds Management Association Level 1 for Winter Pitches Qualification.

This generous offer was designed to support those volunteers and staff in Bedfordshire and Huntingdonshire to benefit from as they prepare natural turf pitches for football. 

The limited spaces were used by Bedfordshire FA to reward those who have been engaging with the Grass Pitch Maintenance Fund to improve their pitch quality. This also helped the individuals to gain further valuable insight and additional knowledge to take back to their respective pitches they are maintaining on a regular basis.

The course was held on Thursday 20th April at Cambourne Sports Pavilion and fittingly delivered by the Regional Pitch Advisor for The Grounds Management Association – Julien Morris. This allowed continuity of the support that Julien provides the volunteer workforce with Pitch Power assessment reports that help to track improvements to the playing surface and putting his useful advice into practice when improving pitch quality back at their sites.

A big thank you must go to Kim Campton at BS Topsoil who organised the course and to Julien Morris from The GMA who provided an enjoyable environment for the delegates to learn and socialise in throughout the day. The course included a blend of theoretical and practical elements within the structure of the qualification and it certainly complemented the online offer available with the added bonus of networking with likeminded people.

For more information on the fantastic work, grounds products and initiatives that BS Topsoil are delivering, please visit their website: